The First Sunday of Advent
Year C
December 01, 2024
1 Thessalonians 3:12—4:2
Brothers and sisters: May the Lord make you increase and abound in love
for one another and for all, just as we have for you, so as to strengthen your hearts, to be blameless in holiness before our God and Father
at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his holy ones. Amen.
Finally, brothers and sisters, we earnestly ask and exhort you in the Lord Jesus that,as you received from us how you should conduct yourselves to please God and as you are conducting yourselves you do so even more.
For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus.
Today we begin the season of Advent. A time of preparation. There is so much to get ready for. For me this is time of blessing. So many things, the celebration of Guadalupe sets the tone, the pregnant virgin waits in anticipation and she comforts Juan Diego in the midst of sickness and suffering. The posadas welcoming the Virgin and Saint Joseph and remind us of the importance of welcoming the stranger, another time of blessing.
Yes, so much to get ready for. The decorations, the food, the presents. Yes, there is so much to do in the season of advent. But we know that it is more than just getting ready the decorations, the presents and the Christmas dinner.
Well, then, what do we need to do to get ready? Today’s second reading, Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians in effect answers that question. At Christ’s coming again, we are to be blameless in holiness. What does that mean? What does it mean to blameless?
Blameless means that you are not at fault. That you did nothing wrong. Blameless means that you did everything you were supposed to do. You obey the law, you tell the truth, you help people who are in need. Maybe something went wrong at work, money was lost sales are down, if you are blameless it means that the errrors are not your fault.
On Thursday Diana made a blameless turkey for our thanksgiving dinner. It was perfect, tender and juicy and just the right amount of spices. If a child in school is blameless he not only got all 10’s but he obeyed all the rules, never got in trouble, turned in his homework etc. If you have a blameless driving record you never got into an accident, no tickets on your record. If you are a blameless parent your children might get into trouble but it isn’t your fault. If Cruz Azul plays a blameless game not only did they win but they made no errors, no mistake. The truth is that it is hard to be blameless. Most of us make mistakes.
But what is it to be blameless in holiness? Obviously it isn’t about buying anything and it is much more than not breaking the rules. To be blameless in holiness we need to increase in love and abound in it.
So here’s the thing. You might not break any laws but still be a mean person. Maybe you never told a lie, but have you proclaimed the truth? We know that getting ready for the coming of Jesus has to be something more.
That more is love.
To be blameless in holiness, then, means you are a loving person. And being loving is what makes us ready for the return of the Lord. That is the only thing that we have to do. So if you want to get ready for the coming of Jesus you only have to do one thing. You have to love others. Last Sunday I talked about loving your family members: your spouses, you parents and your children. I know from my own life that this isn’t always easy. At times to love your family members is the hardest call of all.
So lets get ready during this season of advent. Make sure you prepare the food, decorate the house, practice the music. We will celebrate Guadalupe and the posadas. But don’t forget to do the only one thing that is truly necessary. Love one another! So during this season of advent don’t forget to love. Love your family members by buying them a gift as an expression of your love. Prepare a meal; do some kind gesture. You are telling them that you love them. Love your neighbor, especially the poor. Give them a gift, offering them some money. Remember their name. The season of advent is a season of love; let us be blameless in love as we await Jesus!
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