Where are staying Jesus?

2nd Sunday “B” John 1, 35-42 Last Sunday we celebrated the feast of the Epiphany, the showing of Jesus to the entire world represented by the magi from the East. Usually, the Sunday after Epiphany is the feast of the Baptism of Jesus, the beginning of ordinary time. This year, for some reason on last Monday we celebrated the feast of the Baptism and today we continue with the call of the first disciples. That is ok though, because baptism is about discipleship. To be baptized means that we are disciples of Jesus. Jesus called the first disciples, and he continues calling disciples today. It is important for us to reflect on our baptismal calling because through baptism we become missionary disciples. In the Gospel it says that John the Baptist pointed out Jesus saying, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” So, Peter and Andrew began to follow Jesus. Jesus naturally wondered why they were following him, so he turned around and said, “what are you looking for?” As I said we too by our baptism our followers of Jesus so Jesus’ question for Peter and Andrew is the question for us today as well. “What are you looking for?” “Why are you a follower of Jesus?” Some people are followers of Jesus because they want the surety that they are going to heaven when they die. They want to know all the rules so that they can follow them and do what it is that they are supposed to do. Others follow Jesus just because others do, they think that it is the thing to do. They mom says that they have to go to Church, or they go because their spouse goes to Church. They feel good about themselves saying that they want to church on Sunday. Other people go to Church because they are looking for something. Life doesn’t make sense to them, and they are confused, they are hoping that by going to Church that their lives will have more meaning. They are hoping that Jesus will fill a void that they have in their lives. They think that going to church will make them happy, bring them peace or security, a sense of fullness, love, forgiveness. Every one of us is looking for something. What was it that the Peter and Andrew were looking for? When Jesus asked them, their response was, “Where are you staying?” Asking where Jesus was staying shows a desire on the disciples’ part not just to know something about Jesus. Not just to fill a void in their lives or to satisfy our curiosity. No, asking to know where Jesus was staying signifies a desire to enter into relationship with Jesus, to be his disciple. They were following Jesus not just for some temporary interest. They wanted to be his disciples. They wanted to know where Jesus was staying because they planned on moving in with him. They had a desire to have an intimate relationship with Jesus. As Disciples of Jesus today we have the same desire. We want to have a personal relationship with Jesus. When we come and stay with Jesus, when we see where he stays, we begin that personal relationship. That is what we are seeking. To be followers of Jesus who have a relationship with him.
