Christmas 2022
Luke 2, 1-14
Believe! This is the season for believing! Do you believe? I believe! I believe that there is an old man who wears a red suit and drives a sleigh powered by 8 Reindeer and this night he flies through the sky and puts presents down everyone’s chimney before sunrise tomorrow.
Of course I believe! Tonight, is time to believe. Mary believed when the Angel came to her and told her that she would be the mother of God. Joseph believed and took her into his home. Elizabeth believed that she would be the mother of John the Baptist even though she and her husband were old. John’s father Zechariah didn’t believe, and he was punished. He couldn’t speak for the 9th months of Isabel’s pregnancy.
The shepherds believed when a multitude of heavenly hosts brought them tidings of great joy. The magi from the East also believed. They traveled carrying gifts from the east, why? Because they believed.
Tonight, is a night for believing. Tonight, is a night for belief. Do you believe? What does it mean to be a believer? We believe a lot of things. You might believe that this mass will end in 45 minutes, or you might have believed you would easily find parking place tonight. You might believe that it will rain this week or that the Rams still have a chance at the playoffs. There are a lot of things that we believe but they don’t all fall into the same category. Talking to our 4 and 5 year old’s in our school yesterday I think I can safely say they all believe that Santa will bring them a squishmallow tonight.
To mean that you believe means that you know something is true even if you don’t have all the facts or even if they are no facts. You believe even if it is something that makes no sense. In fact, to believe you have to suspend a certain amount of your intellectual understanding. You don’t have to figure out how Santa could possibly make it to every house in a single night, you just believe. Zechariah tried to figure out how and Elizabeth could possibly have a child and he missed the point. Elizabeth believed; and the miracle happened. The shepherds didn’t try to to understand the message of the angels or even why it was that they were the chosen ones to get the message first, they just went to the manger in Bethlem because they believe. The magi as well, they got their gifts and traveled east because they believed.
Tonight, is a night to suspend our understanding; tonight, is a night to believe. We believe that God loved us so much that he took the form of a baby and was born in a stable in Bethlehem.
Pope Francis says that to believe in Jesus means that you are willing to follow him. Believing in Jesus isn’t like believing it’s going to rain, or that you’ll get the perfect gift. It isn’t even like believing a politician or a football player. In order to believe in Jesus, you need to know Jesus, you need to have a relationship with him. Believing in Jesus is like believing in someone you love. You believe them because you love them, and they love you. We believe Jesus because we know he loves us, and we love him. To follow Jesus, you must first know Jesus.
Following Jesus means we strive to be like Jesus. We strive to do the things that Jesus did, and we begin to be his presence in the world today. That is part of the message of the incarnation, Jesus became like us being born like we were born, but we strive to be like Jesus as well. Our desire is to do what Jesus did.
What did Jesus do? What does Jesus continue to do? We find part of the message in the words of the Angels to the shepherds “Peace on earth, Good will to all.” The Angels announcement was not one of the glorious titles of Jesus like Handel’s Messiah: King of Kings and Lord of Lords. No, the Angel’s message talks of the effects of the Christ event. To be followers of Jesus means we will receive God’s peace and Favor. So, to be his followers means we are called to be people of peace and good will. Peace obviously begins in our hearts and homes and this year Pope Francis has asked us to pray for Ukraine that there may be peace in that part of the world torn by war.
Goodwill, what is goodwill? Goodwill is God’s grace or favor. It is a friendliness or kindness towards all people. It is common decency. It is one thing that is so very lacking in our society and world in which we live today. We will never all agree, but at least we can be civil, we can be kind to one another.
Yes, Christmas is the season for believing. We believe! We believe that God took on flesh and made his dwelling here among us. We believe he was born in a manger in Bethlehem and his birth was first announced to the Shepherds. We believe the message of peace and Good Will. And now we believe that we are called to bring that message to others. Merry Christmas. May God bless us everyone!
Thank you Fr. Patrick. I look forward to reading your reflections.