Look for Jesus among the Living!!

“Why do you seek the living one among the dead? He is not here, but he has been raised. “Why do you seek the living one among the dead?” Early in the morning of the Resurrection the women went to the tomb expecting to find Jesus there. They went to pray at his grave just like many of us have done. We go to the grave to pray for the dead. To feel close to them. To pay our respects, leave flowers, food, sing songs. That is what the women did. They loved Jesus. They were mourning his death, so they went to his tomb. When they got there, they didn’t find Jesus’ body, rather they found his garments and two men in dazzling garments. It doesn’t say two angels, but I think that we can say that they were angels. The Angels didn’t comfort the women though, no, they chastised the women. “Why are you looking for the one who is living among the dead?” Jesus is alive! If Jesus is alive? Where can he be found? He can only be found among the living. The message of the Angels to the Holy Women is the same message that we need to hear. If we want to find Jesus, he will only be found among the living. Don’t look for Jesus among the dead. Today where can Jesus be found? Jesus must be found among the living. Jesus must be found here, in our midst. Which means that we must be a community of life. Our families and homes must be places of life. Our Church and our community must be centers of life. We must be alive!! If we are dead Jesus isn’t here. If we are alive, it means that Jesus is truly in our midst. Too often we think that Jesus is going to be found in our time honored traditions. We think if we just do the same old Jesus will be in our midst. We say to no creative ideas, we censure those who want to try something new. We patronizingly say, “thanks but we don’t do things like here.” We tried that in the past and it just didn’t work. Thank you very much.” We blame our diminishing numbers on the pandemic. People got out of the habit of coming to church. Others have left because they had a lukewarm faith. They weren’t really good Catholics anyway. We keep doing things the same old way and we ask ourselves, “Why aren’t they coming back? Why are more folks leaving?” Our homes and families must be filled with life if Jesus is to be found in our midst. Our Church and community must be a place of the resurrection and new life. St. Mary’s and our whole world has gone through a dark period. Are we ready to leave the tombs of darkness? Are we ready to enter into the fullness of life in Christ? Are we ready to feed the hunger? Are we ready to visit the sick? Are we ready to comfort those who mourn? Are we ready to share our faith with our families? Are we ready to have liturgies that are filled with life? Musicians and choirs ready to sing of their faith in Jesus. Do we want to begin meaningful ministry to our young people? Do we want to support our many ministries with meaningful training and recruit more? Do we Redemptorists want to share our spirituality with you? And not just do things for you? But, truly be partners in mission? Are we ready to be a church where all our truly welcome? Are we ready to welcome the traditional families? Are we ready to welcome the non-traditional ones? The married as well as the divorced? Are we to welcome the immigrant? The gay? The sick? And the homeless? Are we ready to make sure that any time anyone comes through the doors of this building they feel that this is their home? That is a place that they want to come back to? If we answer yes! Then Jesus will be found in our midst. We will be a community of new life in Christ. When Mary Magdalene and the women went to tell the men what they found at the tomb they didn’t believe them. That is the risk that we face today. Others may not believe us when we tell them that Jesus is alive here at Saint Mary’s. But like Mary and the other holy Women let that not stop us. Let us continue to proclaim. That he has risen!! Alleluia!! Don’t look for him among the dead, look for Jesus here in our midst. Alleluia!!
