In today's gospel we have a great contrast. On one side we have the scribes, the other side the widows.
Those who sit in front, those who sit behind.
Those who had elegant clothes, those who have little clothes.
Those who think they are very important, those who every forgets.
Those who like everyone to speak well of them, and those who do not want anyone to speak of them.
The proud, the humble.
Those who take, and those who give.
Those who trust in themselves, and those who trust in God.
Be careful, not all priests and Pharisees are bad, and not all widows are holy. But Jesus is making the comparison with a purpose. What do we look at when we see others? What is important? The outside that everyone can, see? Or the part inside that only God can, see?
The contrast of the two could not be greater. The scribes, those who use religion for their own good and to exploit the weakest. The widows, who have total faith in God and unlimited generosity.
Jesus always has time for everyone except the hypocrites. Instead of helping people focus on God, the scribes want to draw attention to themselves. They think that people should follow them, but Jesus calls his disciple’s attention to someone else. The people that no one sees, saying that we should follow their example.
The widow in the gospel and also the widow in the first reading are not looking for honors or prestige. They are humble and generous. They are exploit noone, on the contrary, they give everything for others.
What should we follow from widows? Their generosity and their total trust in God. They can be generous because they trust God completely.
Here in Saint Mary’s, we are blessed with many widows, and widowers. Simple and generous people. People with big hearts who know how to love without reservation, they are the best we have in the church. It is they who make our church more authentic, the world more human, those who truly believe in God. They keep alive the Spirit of Jesus in the church. From them we can learn to follow Jesus. Knowing them, we know Jesus.
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