Come Holy Spirit

INVOCATION of the Holy Spirit 

According to Saint John, through the Spirit Jesus is present in the Christian community, reminding us of his message, helping us walk in his truth, internalizing his call to love.  It is that Spirit we invoke on this feast of Pentecost.

Come Holy Spirit and teach us to call God by that endearing name of "Father" that Jesus taught us. If we do not feel God’s presence in our midst, we will live as orphans. Remind us that Jesus alone is the way, that leads to him. That it is only his life poured out for us that shows us his true face. Without Jesus we will never understand God’s thirst for peace, justice and dignity for all his sons and daughters.

Come Holy Spirit and make us walk in the truth of Jesus. Without your light and your breath, we will forget again and again the project of your Reign. We will live without passion and without hope. We will not know why we follow or why. We will not know how to live and why we have to suffer. And the God’s vineyard will continue to look for workers.

Come Holy Spirit and teach us to proclaim the Good News of Jesus. Let us not put heavy burdens on anyone. May we not hurt or condemn those who need more welcome and understanding. Let us never put out the smoldering wick or break the waving cane.

Come Holy Spirit and fill us with the lived experience of Jesus. Let us not lose ourselves in trivialities while neglecting justice, mercy and faith. Let no one or anything distract us from following Jesus as our only Lord. Let no doctrine, practice or devotion drive us away from his Gospel.

Come Holy Spirit and increase our faith to experience the strength of Jesus at the very center of our weakness. Teach us to nourish our lives, not from human traditions or empty words, but from the inner knowledge of His Person. May we always be guided by his bold and creative Spirit, not by our need for routine and security.

Come Holy Spirit, transform our hearts and convert us to Jesus. If each of us does not change, nothing will change in his Church. If we all remain captives of inertia, nothing new and good will be born among his followers. If we do not allow ourselves to be lead  by your creativity, your movement will be blocked.

Come Holy Spirit and defend us from the risk of forgetting Jesus. Caught up by our fears and uncertainties, we are not able to hear his voice or feel his breath. Bind us more closely to Jesus, because if we lose contact with Jesus, we will continue to grow more nervous and insecure. Come Holy Spirit Come!
