cure, comfort, challenge

Third Sunday “A”
Matthew 4, 12-23
January 25, 2020

The word that impresses me from the Gospel this evening is “immediately.” Immediately the disciples left their nets and followed Jesus. Immediately James and John left their father and they began to follow Jesus. It seems that in this world there is little that we do immediately especially in terms of religion. The disciples met Jesus and it changed everything, they were ready to leave everything to follow Jesus. They became followers of Jesus.

That is what it is all about. That is what it means to be a Catholic Christian. We are called to be followers of Jesus. It is just about the creed and what we are supposed to believe, it is about Jesus it is about following Jesus. Following Jesus means to live like Jesus. But in order to be a follower of Jesus you first have to meet Jesus. To be a follower of anyone you have to meet the person first. You don’t just get on the highway and begin to follow someone else, no you meet him or her first and then you begin to follow.

So our Church needs to be a place of encounter. Whenever anyone comes here they should encounter Jesus. This week we had 9 funerals in our Church, my hope is that everyone who came here, especially those who don’t come here every Sunday that they meet Jesus. We had baptisms and a 15a, they also should be encounters with Jesus.

We encounter or we meet Jesus in the sacraments, in all 7 but most especially in the Eucharist. It is important that we have good well-celebrated masses, they help us to encounter Jesus, but all of the sacraments should be an encounter with Jesus.

We encounter Jesus in his word, everyone time we read God’s word; it should be an encounter with Jesus. Our lectors have to be well prepared if they are going to proclaim God’s word, we need a good sound system etc. But obviously we can read the bible at home so we should help you to be read the word of God at home.
We also encounter God in one another. So it is important that we are reach out to one another and create an atmosphere of welcome in this place.

That is the first step; we need to encounter Jesus like Peter and Andrew, James and John. We need to encounter Jesus and then we begin to follow him. What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus?

Returning to the scriptures, most especially the Gospels we can see what it was that Jesus did in his ministry on this earth. To make it easy for me I have reduced it to 3 c’s. Jesus cured, comforted and challenged. Jesus cured the sick; this means that as followers of Jesus we need put the sick, the homeless, and the poor in first place in our community. They need to be our first concern; they can’t take a back seat in our community. Secondly Jesus offered comfort; most especially people who are suffering loss, any kind of loss but most especially the loss of a loved one. Those who are suffering need to be comforted. Third Jesus challenged the status quo. He challenged the priests and leaders to be faithful to their calling. He challenged those structures that oppressed and he set people free.

2000 years ago Jesus called his first disciples. They immediately left what they were doing and began to follow Jesus. Once we have an encounter with Jesus we need to follow Jesus. We need to do today what Jesus did then so that the sick are visited, the sorrowing comforted, and the structures that oppress are challenged.

By being a community that cures, comforts and challenges we help people to encounter Jesus. As people encounter Jesus they go out to do the same and the cycle continues again. If we are faithful followers of Jesus we will bring many more followers to Jesus.
