One of the things I really liked about being a Priest is to give blessings. People  are always asking for blessings. It is what the celebration of a marriage is about, it is to bless the love between spouses. A 15th birthday, or the first time you come to mass with a baby, a graduation, new job, before traveling, when one is sick. There are all times for blessings. Tomorrow I will celebrate 30 years of priesthood. I think it's a good way to remember my anniversary. 30 years of blessings.

The same is true for you who are parents,  you can also give blessings. My dad always gave his blessing to me and my brothers and sisters when we went to bed, or if he came home and we were asleep he would bless us. My mom did not give blessings, she gave advice. Hopefully! You who are moms also give blessings to your children.

Today we celebrate the feast of the Ascension, and the last thing that Jesus does, is give his blessing. He gives us his blessing as he ascends to the Father, it is his last gesture of love and care for his disciples.

Blessing is what Jesus gave his disciples when he was leaving; the blessing is what the church can offer her disciples today. During his time on this earth Jesus liked to give blessings. Jesus was always blessing people, he blessed children on the street, he blessed lepers, showing that they were not excluded; he blessed sinners, the sick, widows, the poor and those who felt despised.

Blessings are a simple gesture, but obviously Jesus loved to bless people. That is why he was angry with the disciples when they tried to keep the children from him, he got angry with the Pharisees when he tried to exclude the sick. Jesus always had time to give blessings.

What is a blessing? They are not conventional gestures. It is a desire to make the world more kind and loving. It is a gesture full of faith and love. It does not matter if they are small gestures. As Jesus said, even a glass of water in his name is a blessing.

That is why the last gesture of Jesus was to bless his disciples. Jesus is leaving and he wraps us in his blessing.

The vocation of the Church is to bless, it is our vocation also, not only of the parents and the ordained, all have the capacity to bless, we also have the responsibility. We, the church, must be a source of blessing. In a world so full of curses, condemnations, and bad will, it is more important than ever for us followers of Jesus to know how to bless, seek good, do good, attract good.

When we bless we want the good for the other in an unconditional way, without reservations. We want health, well-being, joy, everything for the other. When we want the good of others we are continuing the work of Jesus. The blessing does well for the person receiving the blessing, but also for the person giving the blessing. When I give a blessing, I also receive a blessing. The Feast of the Ascension is an invitation to be bearers and witnesses of the blessing of Christ to humanity.
